Physical Events

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Physical events are sudden changes of variable values. The change takes effect within one moment in time.

Performance Monitor


You want to run your simulation in real time mode? The performance monitor displays the actual performance of your system. Does the system succeed in producing the given number of frames per second? What is the total load? Does the simulation get delayed?


During simulation, the recorder continuously stores simulation data.  Frame by frame all variables values are saved to the recorder. Inside the Physolator, the recorder data is used in different ways.


The time slider is a means for moving forth and back in time. After a simulation run is stopped, you can go back to any point in time and analyse the data frame by frame.

Activities Monitor


Which of the activities is critical in terms of time? Where to start when it is about optimizing the code? The activities monitor helps you answer this questions.

Movie Engine


When you want to present the results of your physical research, movies are often an appropriate means. The movie engine turns physical simulations into videos.



Executing physical simulations inside the Physolator is easy:

  • load the physical system
  • start the simulation
  • stop the simulation
  • go back to the beginning

By the way, programming physical Systems is also easy. Physical systems are nothing but Java classes.

See also:
Getting Started
Physolator Programming





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